Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I have tried deciphering myself and making myself corrigible to an extent, and thus I have decrypted myself in a weird manner, and here it goes.

I have been amiable and amicable to many, brevitic and bipolar beyond comprehension, clandestine and cynical with thoughts, derogatory and derisive towards stupidity, eloquent and effervescent when required, flabbergasted and flummoxed with the crests and waves of life, genteel and genial among near and dear ones, harried and hurtled deep inside, incarcerated and inebriated by the past, juvenile and jesting by relative choice, kowtowing and kiddywampus at times of haste, lithe and liable when others matter, melodramatic and malleable by preference, naive and nascent when it comes to sensitivity, odious and offensive by choice, paranoid and psychotic mentally, quintessential and queer at times, recursive and radical to the core, sordid and shallow with words, trepid and timorous of lost time, unique and uber by belief, vilifying and vicarious en route to temporary satisfaction, wise but wily, xerophytic and xenophilic, youthful but yearning, zeitgeist and zealous when love matters.